10 Signs of a Toxic Parents | Manipulative Parents
When you're a kid, you want to believe that your parents are superheroes. For some people, it's true. If they work a demanding career but still manage to find balance and spend time teaching you new skills or just being silly, they're doing it right. But unfortunately, not all of us grow up with healthy parents. The ugly truth is that some people are better parents than others, and it's not some special parent gene we win like the lottery, it's the constant work and the choices they make that make all the difference. If you grew up with a toxic parent, know that it's not your fault and your future is not a product of your past but the actions you are taking right now in the present. Here are 10 signs of parents manipulating their kids. 1. They compare you to your other siblings, relatives or friends. Parents who manipulate their kids will often try to turn everything into a competition. Even if you're someone who gets along well with your siblings or...